Welcome back everyone!
Happy New Year!
Hope yours was a fabulous one!
Back to business... : )
I'm experimenting with gadgets that can be added onto a blog, and you'll see my first attempt at the top right of this page---There is (well should be) a
slide show of some of Mrs.
Steincke's children's artwork that was inspired by Alexander Calder. If you click on an image in the slideshow, it should appear larger in a new window and the you can see the images a little bit better.
The class worked together with myself, parents, Mrs.
Steincke and an educator from the Whitney Museum. We discussed Calder with them and created a circus of their own. Ms.
Steincke has the pictures of the children preforming their own version of a circus in the classroom, as I do not put images of the children onto the web. If you ask her for the pictures, she will be more than happy to send them to you.
In the next few days I will be uploading pictures of some of the work we have been doing with realistic fiction characters in Mrs.
Harris's class & facial proportions in the 2
nd and 6
th grade. Be on the lookout for those images soon.
In the next couple of weeks, we will be creating artwork based around the Chinese New Year holiday, including detailed lanterns, dragons/lions and some traditional Chinese charcoal landscape drawings.
I'm sure I will see most of you around school---Keep Warm!!